Home » Composite vs. Exotic Hardwood: which is a better choice for your deck?

Composite vs. Exotic Hardwood: which is a better choice for your deck?

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If you are in search for the best composite or exotic hardwood for your deck contruction, read on to find out how they compare and why you should consider them.

Composite wood

Composite wood is a mixture of several types of wood, which makes it more durable, cheaper and environmentally friendly than other types.

The main difference between composite and exotic hardwood is that composite wood can be made from different species or varieties of trees. The most common materials used in composites are:

  • Mixtures of softwoods like pine and fir with hardwoods like oak or maple.
  • A large amount of softwood infused with some hardwood (usually around 20% by volume).

Exotic hardwood

Exotic hardwood is a wood that is native to another region, country or even continent. There are many exotic woods out there and they can be used in all types of applications including decks.

Exotic woods are also known as non-native species because they’re not native to where you live or work. This means that if your deck needs to be made from some type of exotic wood then it’s important that you find out what kind of species this particular piece has before deciding whether it will be suitable for your application and budget requirements

Composition vs. exotic hardwood: which is a better choice for your deck?

Composite vs. exotic hardwood: which is a better choice for your deck?

Composite wood is a composite material made up of wood fibers and plastic resin. It’s more durable, stronger and resistant to damage than hardwood; however, it can cost more than exotic varieties as well. Composite decks are also more expensive than those made with exotic materials because they require special care during assembly (such as using waterproof glue instead of traditional woodworking).

Exotic hardwoods are composed primarily of wood fibers woven together with other natural elements such as chalk or charcoal; these types of woods last longer than composites but tend to be less durable overall due to their porous nature—meaning that moisture could permeate through them over time causing rot or decay issues like rot/decay/mold on outdoor surfaces such as decks where water tends to accumulate over time due seasonality changes etc…

Benefits of composite decking

While composite decking is a great choice for most homeowners, there are some caveats to consider. If you have allergies or pets, for example, this material can cause problems. In addition to being difficult to clean and maintain, composite decking also has the potential to deteriorate over time and need replacement sooner than other options.

If your home is subject to high levels of traffic (such as when children visit), then composite wood may not be ideal either because it can be more prone to damage from wear-and-tear compared with true hardwood species such as oak or maple trees.

Benefits of exotic hardwood decking

Exotic hardwood has a longer lifespan than composite.

Composite decking is susceptible to water damage and can warp, crack or splinter if exposed to moisture. Exotic hardwoods such as teak, cedar and mahogany can withstand heavy rainfalls for several days without soaking up too much water in their pores. This makes them ideal for homeowners who wish to build decks on their property but are worried about the effects of weather conditions on their investment.

If you are in search for the best composite or exotic hardwood for your deck, read on to find out how they compare and why you should consider them.

If you are in search for the best composite or exotic hardwood for your deck construction, read on to find out how they compare and why you should consider them.

If you want to build a new deck that will last forever but don’t have the budget to do so, then composite decking is probably your best option. Composite provides high-quality construction with a long lifespan at an affordable price point. Composite is made from recycled materials like plastic bottles and rubber tires which makes it look like real wood but doesn’t require any maintenance beyond simply cleaning up spills and stains with soap and water (see below).

Exotic hardwoods are beautiful additions to any outdoor space but do tend to cost more than their composite counterparts due their higher quality and craftsmanship required during production process making them less affordable than composites overall; however if money isn’t an issue then these blends will definitely provide value over time since they’re guaranteed against rot due weather conditions such as humidity levels rising above 60% per year which makes them susceptible towards decay caused by insects nibbling away at its outer layers over time causing decay within itself when exposed directly sunlight without proper protection measures taken into consideration beforehand.”


In this article, we’ve taken a look at composite and exotic hardwood decking and how they compare. We showed you why you should consider them both as well as their different benefits.

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